Why Groundbreaking ESS60 is Superior to CBD

MyVitalC Olive Oil Bottle between 2 hands - 2

In 2018, laws were passed in the United States that legalized the use of Cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical found in hemp from the Cannabis sativa plant. CBD is used in both prescription and over-the-counter supplement forms to treat a variety of symptoms and conditions. Prescription-strength CBD has been lauded for its positive results in treating […]

What Are Nootropics and Why Are They Necessary?

ESS60 Benefits

It’s pretty easy to understand the appeal of drugs and supplements that claim to boost your brainpower. What are nootropics, you might ask? These cognitive enhancers, also known as smart drugs, are called nootropics. Nootropics, such as carbon 60, are any synthetic or natural substance that may benefit the brain, such as C60. C60 Benefits […]

How To Live Longer With an ESS60 Supplement

The Longevity Benefits of a C60 Supplement | MyVitalC

Are you wondering how to live longer? Consider exploring the benefits of nootropic supplements such as the ESS60 supplement. ESS60, is a molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms. C60 was discovered by accident in a lab by scientists more than 35 years ago. Since then, the compound has been used for a variety of medical and […]

Can C60 Olive Oil Increase Longevity in Most People?

C60 Olive Oil Nootropic Supplements for Longevity| MyVitalC

If you have a longer lifespan than the average individual, you have longevity. Striving to live your longest, healthiest life is the goal of longevity. A longer-than-average life can potentially be achieved by exercising, eating healthy foods, and nutrients (such as those provided by nootropic supplements). There are certain things we consume that can help […]

How Can I Increase My Longevity?

Nootropics for a healthy life.

The secret to increased longevity has been the proverbial holy grail for wellness enthusiasts, fitness buffs, and researchers worldwide. How can we live longer, healthier, happier lives? The secret to longevity may be closer than you think. A lot of the tools for a longer, healthier lifestyle are already accessible to us. We have to […]

What Promotes Human Longevity?


There’s a lot of talk in the health and wellness industry about promoting longevity. While the term is frequently thrown about, it is not always fully understood. Many people are left wondering, “What is longevity?” or “What can I do to promote it?” If you’ve asked yourself these questions, you are not alone. This guide […]

How To Live Longer With MyVitalC

How to live longer

The search for increased longevity is not new. The question of how to live longer has been around for centuries. Luckily, modern science is now offering up some answers to the mystery. There is a genetic component to longer lifespans, but it only represents about 25% of human populations’ variation. The rest is defined mainly […]

MyVitalC: A Healthy Brain Booster

running man

In today’s society, people are working longer hours and working later into their golden years, many not retiring until well after turning the official retirement age of 67. Our brains are often overloaded with a nearly constant stream of information, and most adults do not get the 6-8 hours of sleep recommended for good physical […]

The 5 Hidden Benefits of Nootropics


There’s been much research about how certain substances can help preserve and possibly even improve cognitive function. Known as nootropics, they come in a variety of forms. You can take supplements like ESS60 and MCT coconut oil, prescription medications, or stimulants like caffeine. Many people also refer to these supplements as brain boosters or memory […]

Do Nootropics Help With ADHD?

A male playing chess 3

Nootropics are a class of supplements, drugs, and other substances that show evidence of improving cognitive function. Most people also refer to them as “Smart Drugs” or “Cognitive Enhancers.” Healthy adults frequently use nootropics to help them maintain better concentration and focus. But what about people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Here’s what you should […]