How To Increase Longevity With ESS60

Playing Tennins

If you’re like most people, living a long and healthy life is probably a high priority for you. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can impair your health, shorten your life expectancy, and reduce the quality of your life. More than ever, people are experiencing more stress, consuming more processed foods, and becoming less active. […]

CBD or a CBD Alternative: How Cannabidiol Functions as a Nootropic

The Longevity Benefits of a C60 Supplement | MyVitalC

If you’re having to choose between cannabidiol and a CBD alternative, you probably have many questions. Although recent legislation legalized hemp-based products, many states and municipalities have strict requirements on supplements containing even trace amounts of THC. A few other things that may have crossed your mind include: If you’ve asked yourself these questions, you […]

Why Amino Acids Are Essential

Man Jogging

You’ve likely heard of amino acids and may have a pretty good idea of what they are, but do you know why your body needs them? Many people don’t understand that amino acids are a natural immune system booster and are required for healthy bodily function. They aren’t just organic compounds composed of hydrogen, oxygen, […]