What Is Longevity and How can you Live Longer?

what is longevity

Many of us strive for longevity, living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. But what is longevity, and what can you do to increase your chances of achieving it? Fortunately, learning how to live longer, get longevity, and extend your life is within your reach. MyVitalC explains longevity, its benefits, and how to get longevity, including adding ESS60 to your health and wellness routine.

What Is Longevity?

In simplest terms, longevity refers to living a long and healthy life. It comes from the Latin word langle, which means “a long life.” As for the relationship between lifespan and health, your longevity is determined by the number of years you live in good health and the period between your birth and death.

 Longevity is more than living a long life; it also involves pursuing activities that can potentially prolong your life, such as regularly receiving proper medical care, taking nutritional supplements, and adapting to lifestyle adjustments.

“Although you can’t change your genetic makeup, and certain environmental factors may be out of your control, you can make several lifestyle choices to increase your longevity”

What Are Some Myths Associated With Longevity?

Myth: Having a positive attitude extends your lifespan.

Fact: According to a study by the Longevity Project, cheerful, upbeat individuals lived shorter lives than persistent and prudent individuals who took fewer health risks.

Myth: Your family members determine how long you’ll live.

Fact: Only a small percentage of your longevity connects to your genes. Lifestyle habits and the environment play a much more significant role, which, in turn, influences how your body expresses certain characteristics.

Myth: It’s too late to do any good by quitting unhealthy habits like smoking.

Fact: Improving your health and even increasing your lifespan is always possible.

What Factors Affect Longevity?

Three major factors influence longevity: genetics, environment, and lifestyle. The degree to which these factors affect longevity has been extensively debated, with varying emphases on each. Genetics provide the biological foundation, influencing susceptibility to diseases and overall health potential through inherited traits. Environmental factors encompass external conditions such as air quality, exposure to toxins, access to healthcare, and socio-economic status, all of which significantly impact health and lifespan. Lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress management, directly affect longevity and can mitigate or exacerbate the risks posed by genetics and environment. Ultimately, an individual’s lifespan is shaped by a complex interplay of these three factors. We discuss each aspect below.


Research reveals that your genes are responsible for about one-third of your longevity. Genetic risk factors include 

  • Genetic predisposition to specific diseases.
  • Genetic resistance to disease.
  • A family history of diseases. 

Your gender also plays a part in your longevity, with women tending to live longer than men. 


Your environment, including your access to and opportunities for education, housing, employment, healthy food, places to exercise, and health care, significantly impacts your health and life span, affecting your longevity. Studies have indicated that people who live in areas with clean air, water, and green spaces, as well as access to health care and better nutritional options, experience better health outcomes and live longer.


There is proof that leading a healthy lifestyle can increase one’s longevity. Living an unhealthy lifestyle stresses your body as you age and raises your risk of developing chronic diseases. The most important lifestyle elements that influence longevity include a person’s diet, degree of physical activity, stress level, and individual habits like smoking, using illegal substances, and consuming alcohol.

What Are the Benefits of Longevity?

Increasing your lifespan benefits your community and society as a whole, in addition to you and your loved ones. Longevity for you can mean living a longer, better life, which can lead to the following: 

  • More time with your loved ones.
  • More time to devote to your interests, ambitions, and hobbies.

Society also benefits from your positive contributions to improving people’s lives and making our world a better place. 

How Can You Improve Your Longevity?

Although you can’t change your genetic makeup, and certain environmental factors may be out of your control, you can make several lifestyle choices to increase your longevity. Numerous low-risk lifestyle behaviors and habits can boost one’s longevity significantly. If you want to live a long and healthy life, think about adopting the following eight healthy habits for longevity:

1- Eat a Healthy Diet

Your body is only as strong as the fuel it runs on. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is an important lifestyle choice for longevity. A nutritious diet provides energy while decreasing your chances of developing diabetes, cancer, and other chronic diseases. A healthy diet consists of the following:

  • Consuming the recommended daily amounts of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Reducing your consumption of red meat, processed foods, and beverages with added sugar, trans fat, and sodium.
  • Eating a variety of meals in small portions.
Yoga woman eating fresh salad, Fitness and Healthy concept

2- Regularly Engage in Physical Activity

On average, people who exercise live longer than those who do not. Regular exercise lowers your risk of developing various chronic diseases, eases anxiety, and enhances sleep. Whether aerobics, strength training, or yoga, exercise benefits your physical and mental wellness. Experts recommend at least three hours of moderate to strenuous physical activity every week or 30 minutes a day.

3- Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping too much or too little can shorten your life expectancy, so getting the right amount of sleep each day is essential. Being well-rested can reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and anxiety and speed up your recovery from illness. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and strive for at least seven to eight hours of sleep nightly.


4- Learn to Manage Your Stress Effectively

Chronic stress can negatively affect the body, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and behavior; increasing your risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease and anxiety; and lowering your life expectancy. Although you can learn to manage your stress, you will never entirely be stress-free. Life will inevitably include stress. Practicing yoga, journaling, meditation, therapy, or deep breathing when you’re feeling stressed can help you better manage your stressors. 

5- Don’t Smoke or Quit Smoking

Smoking is the number one preventable cause of mortality in the United States and is strongly associated with many chronic lung and cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Whether you quit smoking at 30, 45, or even 60, doing so dramatically reduces your risk of developing these diseases and lengthens your life.

6- Drink Moderately or Consume Less Alcohol

According to research, consuming low to moderate amounts of alcohol boosts healthy cholesterol levels, lowers the risk of heart disease, and prevents tiny blood clots that can block arteries. Conversely, consuming too much alcohol can result in weight gain, increased blood pressure, and other health issues. Moderate drinking involves having no more than one drink for women per day and no more than two for males per day. Notwithstanding the advantages of low to moderate drinking, don’t start now if you do not currently drink.

7- Participate in Social Activities

There is a clear association between strong social ties and living a longer life. Relationships and friendships are beneficial for your physical health and are emotionally rewarding. Solid and fulfilling relationships can lower stress and enhance general health, boosting happiness and life satisfaction. Make sure to prioritize time with friends and loved ones because even helping others can benefit your health.

8- Keep Your Mind Active

A sharp or active mind is instrumental in lowering one’s risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other cognitive impairments. You can build your cognitive reserve by working, volunteering, or engaging in other mentally stimulating activities. By picking up new skills, teaching others, or improving your current skills, you’ll also keep your intellect sharp. A new skill requires repetition, problem-solving, memory skills, and curiosity, all of which are essential factors when it comes to keeping brain cells active and brains healthy.

Following the lifestyle practices like those described above can help you on your path toward longevity. Additionally, several studies have indicated that some nutritional supplements, such as ESS60, can improve longevity and lengthen your life.

How ESS60 Can Help You Achieve Longevity

Ess60 organic extra virgin olive oil capsules

Taking nutritional supplements is an effective way to increase your longevity, and ESS60 is just the supplement for the job. ESS60 is a naturally occurring carbon molecule processed into a supplement for human consumption. It is an antioxidant with numerous tangible benefits that have been reported. ESS60 for longevity is beneficial when frequently added to food and supplements to increase its health benefits. It becomes a powerful antioxidant when incorporated into olive, coconut (MCT), or avocado oils and provides measurable health benefits, including: 

  • Improved cognitive function
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Increased joint flexibility
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Increased energy
  • Improved sleep


Many factors, including our genes, lifestyle, and environment, influence our potential to live long lives. Most of us can achieve longevity if we are prepared to put in the effort. You can work to live a healthier, longer life by considering all the factors that affect longevity and making positive lifestyle changes, such as those discussed above, including incorporating MyVitalC’s ESS60 supplements.

ess60 fullerene