Exploring ESS60 and the World of Natural Nootropics

natural nootropics

In the quest for cognitive enhancement and overall well-being, the realm of natural nootropics has garnered significant attention. Natural nootropics, often derived from plants or naturally occurring compounds, are esteemed for their potential to support cognitive function and brain health. While ESS60, derived from carbon 60, is a fascinating molecule with antioxidant properties, it’s crucial […]

Are Nootropics Safe For Your Health?

Nootropics for a healthy life.

Are nootropics safe for you to take? Do you even know what nootropics supplements are? You may have heard the term but not be aware of what they are or do. That is what we are here to explain. We will cover what they are and how they seem to help your body. We will […]

10 Tips on How to Live Longer

How to Live Longer - MyVitalC

Living a long, happy life has always been the end goal. Longevity is the dream our parents had for us, it’s the dream we have for ourselves, and one day it will be the dream to pass along to our children. What is longevity, you ask? Longevity is a longer existence in life. Here are […]

How To Increase Longevity With ESS60

Playing Tennins

If you’re like most people, living a long and healthy life is probably a high priority for you. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can impair your health, shorten your life expectancy, and reduce the quality of your life. More than ever, people are experiencing more stress, consuming more processed foods, and becoming less active. […]

CBD or a CBD Alternative: How Cannabidiol Functions as a Nootropic

The Longevity Benefits of a C60 Supplement | MyVitalC

If you’re having to choose between cannabidiol and a CBD alternative, you probably have many questions. Although recent legislation legalized hemp-based products, many states and municipalities have strict requirements on supplements containing even trace amounts of THC. A few other things that may have crossed your mind include: If you’ve asked yourself these questions, you […]

Why Amino Acids Are Essential

Man Jogging

You’ve likely heard of amino acids and may have a pretty good idea of what they are, but do you know why your body needs them? Many people don’t understand that amino acids are a natural immune system booster and are required for healthy bodily function. They aren’t just organic compounds composed of hydrogen, oxygen, […]

What Are Nootropics? Understanding How C60 Works and How To Use It Safely


There has been a lot of press about a particular category of drugs known as nootropics to help with brain health, memory, and cognitive function. Some are available as prescription medications and are commonly used for conditions such as dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or Attention Deficit Disorder. There’s also a wide variety of natural nootropics […]

MyVitalC: A Healthy Brain Booster

running man

In today’s society, people are working longer hours and working later into their golden years, many not retiring until well after turning the official retirement age of 67. Our brains are often overloaded with a nearly constant stream of information, and most adults do not get the 6-8 hours of sleep recommended for good physical […]

6 Signs of a Weak Immune System and How Nootropics Can Help

A lady sitting near window having headache - 3

Your immune system protects our bodies from infections and diseases. It acts as a crucial line of defense, so you don’t fall sick after exposure to every pathogen out there. In most people, the immune system functions normally without incident; however, some people have stronger immune responses than others. There are also people whose immune system […]